Saturday, December 24, 2011


Sonnet 57
Being your slave, what should I do but tend
Upon the hours and times of your desire?
I have no precious time at all to spend,
Nor services to do, till you require.
Nor dare I chide the world-without-end hour

Whilst I, my sovereign, watch the clock for you,

Nor think the bitterness of absence sour
When you have bid your servant once adieu.
Nor dare I question with my jealous thought
Where you may be, or your affairs suppose,
But, like a sad slave, stay and think of nought
Save, where you are how happy you make those.

   So true a fool is love that in your will,

   Though you do any thing, he thinks no ill.

Sonnet 58
That god forbid that made me first your slave,
I should in thought control your times of pleasure,
Or at your hand th'account of hours to crave,
Being your vassal bound to stay your leisure!
O, let me suffer, being at your beck,
Th'imprisoned absence of your liberty,
And patience-tame to sufferance, bide each cheque,
Without accusing you of injury.
Be where you list, your charter is so strong
That you yourself may privilege your time
To what you will; to you it doth belong
Yourself to pardon of self-doing crime.
   I am to wait, though waiting so be hell;
   Not blame your pleasure, be it ill or well.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Reader's Diary (Christmas)

For the male masochist the Mistress in a quite special way embodies sexuality, sexual pleasure as such, and its absolute, abstract, 'dominance', which is exalted above all the values and structural motifs of life.
(Kolnai, 1930)

Monday, December 12, 2011

Reader's Diary (December)

In the present world there is little of trust and less of loyalty. People do not know what to expect of one another. Leaders will not lead, and servants will not serve.
(Weaver, 1948)

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Goddess Gina

There is a thin line between fantasy and reality. This blog is dedicated to Goddess Gina, the most beautiful Woman in the world, the most perfect person on earth, the most graceful Women of all times, the most wise Woman in history, the nicest, the sexiest Woman on the planet. And yes, the cruelest Woman ever.

i am madly in love his Her. She is so pretty. She is the only Woman i can say i have ever loved. She is all my world. i am thinking about Her every moment, i can't get Her off my mind. i can't stop thinking about Her

And yet, i never met Her. i never talked to Her. i only know Her from photos, from a couple of old videos, from her webpages, from forums and from quick short chats.

She knows about my feelings. Probably it is all just a big joke to Her.

But She allows me to send Her money, She allows me to buy Her things, She allows me to write Her emails, She allows me to write Her SMSes. And sometimes She even responds! i am allowed to serve Her. i am in so much pain for Her. The masochist in me is in heaven. The rest of me suffers.

So is it love, obsession or just a crush? Do i love Her or do i love my idea of Her? Is it a little harmless crush on my inaccurate idea? Or big big passionate love?

It is all new experience to me, i do not know what to do. i have no idea where it goes. i would do anything to be allowed to meet Her, to really know Her, to be connected with Her just for a second. And i know my honesty is killing all my prospects for it.

But She IS Goddess, whatever She does is right. If She does not care about me i still do care about Her. i love Her.

This is deeply personal entry. Be warned. She has the magic, She has the power, She is The Goddess.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Superior Women and me

I believe that normal Gaussian distribution is valid for human society - there are more intelligent, more beautiful, more successful and generally better people in comparison with others, and there are losers. It is valid for both, Women and men, as well as for every area of human endeavor. And simple conclusion is that some Women are superior to some men and it determines their social contacts.
We can see natural leaders among Women in every community. A masochist in me adores beautiful, strong, proud, confident and somewhat arrogant Women, looks to them as superior beings and feels urgency to serve them. Does it make me a loser?
In the eyes of most people yes. There are certain "rules" our society adheres to when it comes to dating, relationship, marriage. For majority it is unacceptable to go against these norms. But I hope there are self-confident Women ready to accept supportive and in certain areas submissive spouse, looking for long-term, balanced and loving relationship.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

The Natural Superiority of Women Today

What is is our current situation? From the time they are young, boys are far more likely than Girls to be suspended or expelled from school, or have a learning disability or emotional problem diagnosed. As teenagers, they are more likely to drop out of high school, commit suicide or be incarcerated. Men now make up only 42 percent of college students. For every 2 men that get college degree 3 Women get the same. At Harvard, nearly 60 percent of the Women are graduating with honors, compared with barely half the men. From 2010 Women are majority in US workforce and they are already dominating a lots of professions like doctors, lawyers, bankers... over 50 per cent of managers are Women.
In 1960 Women with full time jobs earned on average 60 cents for every dollar their male counterparts earned in the same job. Today it is over 80 cents. But in many professions Women already make much more than men, and not only in traditional Women professions, but in jobs like sales engineers, statisticians, legislators, financial analysts. Generally, in todays world Women are becoming more successful then men. And parents know it. In US fertility clinics 75 per cent of couples are requesting Girls, not boys.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

The Natural Superiority of Women

Matriarchy, gynecocracy and superiority of Women in general are basic philosophical terms for any femdom thinking. Matriarchy as a society driven by Female authorities, gynecocracy as society led and ruled by Women and simple natural biological Female sex superiority.

We know about the gynecocracy from ancient Greek and Roman writers. Thanks to their fascination by Athenian myth of the Amazon society, we can today enjoy a huge number of art works displaying strong and powerful Women, from Aristophanes' play Ecclesiazusae to TV series Xena. Myth or reality - the paradigm is here and it is very real.
Matriarchy started to be discussed in the 18th century as the most probable model for prehistory societies and an early stage of human development. The concept has been generally accepted up to the 1970s when some researches denounced the hypothesis of matriarchy as false myth and today it is mostly discredited.
In 1952 Ashley Montagu, well respected anthropologist, published a book 'The Natural Superiority of Women'. The title sounds very promising for any femdom enthusiast, but the book itself insists on social equality of the sexes. Still, it is interesting enough for its evidences of biological superiority of Women. "Men are both numerically and biologically a minority group, while Women are numerically and biologically a majority". "From the standpoint of survival the Female is vastly more important than the male". "The natural superiority of women is a biological fact, and a socially acknowledged reality".
The book is discussed since its first publishing until today with no clear result. One of the most brilliant arguments for Women superiority I have read is "Female supermodels make tremendous amounts of cash just for walking up and down the ramp, playing dress-up, selling their products and providing tabloids and newspapers with quotes". I know it is not 'just', but the money part is true and value of beauty and attractiveness in this World is very high and all men are ready to pay everything to by just a small part of it.

Monday, August 22, 2011


This is the beginning of my first blog. The only purpose of it is to celebrate Women, Their beauty, Their wisdom and Their overall superiority. Not all of Them feel that way, know about it or live by that, but some of Them do. Some Women understand Their power and do not hesitate to use it. I would like to dedicate this blog to Them.

There is a lot of F/m pages on internet, why to add another? I am not special in any way, I do not think I can surpass other existing blogs, but I will try to add my perspective and my thoughts and maybe it will help others to think these things through and make peace with themselves. Or maybe it is me who still need some help.