What is is our current situation? From the time they are young, boys are far more likely than Girls to be suspended or expelled from school, or have a learning disability or emotional problem diagnosed. As teenagers, they are more likely to drop out of high school, commit suicide or be incarcerated. Men now make up only 42 percent of college students. For every 2 men that get college degree 3 Women get the same. At Harvard, nearly 60 percent of the Women are graduating with honors, compared with barely half the men. From 2010 Women are majority in US workforce and they are already dominating a lots of professions like doctors, lawyers, bankers... over 50 per cent of managers are Women.
In 1960 Women with full time jobs earned on average 60 cents for every dollar their male counterparts earned in the same job. Today it is over 80 cents. But in many professions Women already make much more than men, and not only in traditional Women professions, but in jobs like sales engineers, statisticians, legislators, financial analysts. Generally, in todays world Women are becoming more successful then men. And parents know it. In US fertility clinics 75 per cent of couples are requesting Girls, not boys.