Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Women in Ads - Voodoo Hosiery

I would like to present here some advertisement campaigns that not only try to sell their product but also have courage to comment on a patriarchal world and show strong and powerful Women. I am glad we can see such ads more frequently nowadays and their public acceptance is much less bewildering then just a couple of years ago.
For me it started with Voodoo Winter Hosiery campaign in 2002. This outdoor advertisement featured an image of elegant young Woman walking behind two crouching men, naked except for dog collar, the leashes of which were held by the Woman. As far as I know the billboard has been seen in Austria only and many people found it offensive. Fortunately it was not banned, but some discussion about double standards and ignorant sexual exploitation were held.
The whole campaign was carefully prepared and it was VERY successful. It drove sales up by an unprecedented 87%. The controversy re-started the brand awareness. But it was not only selling the hosiery. The images show ideals of role reversal between male and Female gender. Women are not innocent victims any more, but the males are stupid and incapable. The advertisement worked in the favor of the Female as the dominant gender, portraying the pathetic males as hopeless and easily manipulated.

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