Tuesday, May 1, 2012

1st of May

1st of May is a national holiday in the Czech Republic and for many people here it is the most romantic day in the year. Karel Hynek Macha, a great romantic poet, wrote in 1836 a remarkably beautiful poem about tragic love of two young people - May - and it is The poetic masterpiece of the Czech literature. Many young couples will celebrate their love today by kissing under cherry trees near Macha's statue in Prague's Petrin park.

i am in love with Goddess Gina. Today i am alone, thinking on Her and praying so She has a good time and She is happy. Praying so She allows me to see Her one day, allows me to give Her my love and really serve Her. Love is always hard, but never ugly. Even for a sub like me.

Late evening, on the first of May -

The twilit May - the time of love.

Meltingly called the turtle-dove,

Where rich and sweet pinewoods lay.

Whispered of love the mosses trail,

The flowering tree as sweetly lied,

The rose's fragrant sigh replied

To love-songs of the nightingale.

In shadowy woods the burnished lake
Darkly complained a secret pain,

By circling shores embraced again;

And heaven's clear sun leaned down to take
A road astray in azure deeps,
Like burning tears the lover weeps.

(Karel Hynek Macha, 1836, translation by Edith Pargeter)

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