Monday, August 25, 2014

4th Woman Mystery Solved...

A couple of months ago i have published four illuminations of violent Women (The ultimate biblical Femdom), assuming the pictures to be biblical illustrations. My mistake. i was able to read correctly only three names (Virgin Mary, Judith, Yael), the forth Queen remained a mystery for me. i suggested Tamar, but it was wrong, the correct reading is Tomyris (Tomris).
Beautiful renaissance Queen Tomyris by Andrea del Castagno, 1450
Her story comes from Greek historian Herodotus, but it seems like all others after him mentioned Her also. No wonder. The story tells of the attack upon the Massagetae (nomadic confederation in Central Asia) by Cyrus the Great, King of the Persians. Tomyris, Queen of the Massagetae, lost the first battle of the war during which her son was captured and subsequently he took his own life. But Queen Tomyris won the second battle, killed Cyrus and then - as she had promised and as seen on the picture - made his severed head drink its fill of human blood out of a wine skin to 'quench his thirst for blood'.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Reader's Diary (Week 33)

The masochist is like a weak or tired horse. Why does whipping make a horse go faster? Not merely on account of the fear or pain which the beast experiences, but because that fear and pain make him stronger.
(Tridon, 1922)

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Two Years

Two years ago a Midsummer Night's magic brought something unpredictable and most supernatural into my life. The Mistress, i should write here, my dearest Mistress... For last two years i have lived in 24/7 Ds relationship with You, my Mistress, and i would like to thank You for everything, for every single minute of it.

Thank You for giving me a chance that fairytale night two years ago. i know it was not easy. Thank You for giving me a chance every single day after it. i can only hope i was able to give You something back.

You changed my life. You changed me - forever. And my world is much better place to be now - with You in it. All Ds aside, YOU are truly wonderful Woman and really great person. And from the bottom of my heart, i wish You all the best.

With deepest gratitude, Thank You, my Mistress!

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Sisley Femdom Advertising Part 1

Sisley is a brand of the Benetton Group known for controversial advertising. Sisley, focused on the the most avant-garde trends in mode and aimed at the young, has no qualms to use sexuality in all its diversity to promote their products. Ds and Femdom is not excluded...

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Reader's Diary (Week 15)

May i love Thee more than myself, nor love myself except in loving Thee.
(Kempis, 1418)

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Monday, March 10, 2014

Reader's Diary (Week 11)

Masochism is called by the French le vice anglais, but it is difficult to prove whether it is more prevalent among English than amongst any other nation - it was said, for example, to be very common amongst the Germans before the Hitlerian régime.
(Allen, 1962)

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Diesel Femdom

This remarkable and very Femdom campaign prepared for Diesel France in 2005 won a silver award in prints category at Epica creative awards.

Sunday, March 2, 2014


Give the ones you love wings to fly, roots to come back and reasons to stay... 
William L’Engle, Trapeze Artist (1926)

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Reader's Diary (week 8)

I see some people wounded, others bound, others languid, others growing faint - and all from love. Love wounds, love binds, love makes one languish, love leads to weakness. Which of these are not powerful? Which of these is not violent? There are four degrees of fiery love... Do you wish to hear about wounding love? Do you wish to hear about binding love?  Do you wish to hear about languid love?  Do you wish to hear about fainting love and love that leads to weakness? And so love makes one weak; it leads to languor. Love has chains; love inflicts wounds.
(Richard, 1170)

Friday, February 21, 2014

Czech Princess and Goddess

Princess Guglielma (Blazena) was daughter of Queen Constance and Premysl Otakar I, king of Bohemia, sister of St. Agnes of Prague and king Vaclav I. Around 1260 She arrived in Milan to live there, as far as we know, as a religious Woman independently in Her own home. Her charismatic teaching and Her reputation attracted disciples, both Women and men, who clung to Her with fierce loyalty. Guglielma became a centre of devoted religious group of more then three dozen mostly upper-class Milan citizen. They believed that their Mistress is no less then the Holy Spirit Herself and the true God(dess) and come to found a new church led by Women. After Her dead in 1281 the church was led by Guglielma’s ‘earthly vicar’ Sister Maifreda da Pirovano, the Papessa of the age to come…
Sister Maifreda as Papessa, from the Visconti-Sforza tarot pack, 1450
Sister Maifreda was first cousin of the lord of Milan. She publicly celebrated Masses before an altarpiece showing the Trinity with Guglielma as the third person. The cult was slowly growing and before 1300 there was, as is recorder, over 130 devotees to honour Sister Maifreda by kissing Her feet and hands. Sister Maifreda lived in the convent of Santa Caterina di Biassono and it became the epicentre of Guglielma’s private cult. St. Catherine served as an iconographic cover for Guglielma, She was painted under the name of St. Catherine and also nuns of the convent started to preached about Guglielma.
Later copy of the previous card. 
In 1284 inquisitors interrogated Sister Maifreda and others for the first time. They all escaped with symbolic punishment and a warning after repudiating their errors. But in august 1296 the anti heretical bull Saepe anctam Ecclesiam authorised action against laypersons ‘even of the female sex’ and inquisitors renewed action against Guglielma’s followers. Inquisitions trial held in Milan from July through December of 1300 interrogated at least 33 citizens and Sister Maifreda and two others (Sister Giacoma da Nova and Andrea Saramita) paid for their believe with their lives. Guglielma’s body was also burned and ashes scattered, Her tomb dismantled, Her images destroyed, Her disciples’ writings consigned to the fire, her memory utterly damned.
Guglielma blessing Sister Maifreda da Pirovano and Andrea Saramita
But 150 years after the trial Her cult was alive again and someone even commissioned a painting of the Guglielma for church of Brunate, a village near Milano. A fifteenth-century legend refers Guglielma as ‘a very beautiful Virgin, as eloquent as She was fair, saying that She was the Holy Spirit incarnate for redemption of Women; and She baptised Women in the name of the Father and of the Son and of Herself’. Up to this day the Princess Guglielma is honored as the unofficial patron saint of Brunate village.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Brutal Femdom

Not exactly my cup of tea, but hey, it is night, nightmares are not real and can't harm you... or?

Monday, February 17, 2014

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Eighteen Months

This is 101. entry in this blog dedicated to my Mistress. Tomorrow it will be exactly 18 months. One and half year. It feels like we have met yesterday - i remember everything so vividly. The time have passed so fast... oh my Goddess, it is like i was not alive before and from that very first moment i live just for YOU, my Mistress. For being with YOU. And with YOU time does not exist, it disappears in YOUR eyes, in YOUR beauty, in YOUR glamour... in YOURSELF. i do not know what tomorrow will bring to us, but i know i am YOURS, Mistress of my life. Thank YOU.

Monday, January 27, 2014

Reader's Diary (week 5)

Of all the Souls that stand create -
i have elected - ONE
(Dickinson, 1862)

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Femdom in contemporary Art 3

Paintings of contemporary Mexican artist Gino Rubert (*1969) certainly belong here...

Monday, January 20, 2014

Reader's Diary (week 4)

men are forced to admire Us, love Us, and be desirous of Us; insomuch that rather than not have and enjoy Us, they will deliver to Our disposals their power, persons, and lives, enslaving themselves to Our will and pleasures; also, We are their saints, whom they adore and worship; and what can We desire more than to be men’s Tyrants, Destinies, and Goddesses?
(Cavendish, 1662)

Saturday, January 18, 2014


Aubrey Beardsley, The Return of Tannhäuser to the Venusberg (1898)