As a sub the only thing i desire is My Mistress, Her pleasure, Her fun and Her satisfaction. To be there for Her in good and in bad times. Submit to Her, be Hers in everything. As a sub i need to see Her to enjoy my presence, to enjoy my services, my humiliation, my pain. My desires in itself do not make any sense, but She is giving purpose to them and only She can make it all working. It is all about Her, i want to give myself to Her and i hope She will value it, value me, not for the actions, but rather for the person revealed through the actions.
And lucky fool i am! i do have a Mistress and SHE has me. i am here to fulfilling HER desires, to please HER, to serve HER. And i adore HER, i worship HER and i dream about HER and i love HER. Yes. If the love is not based only on our feeling about the other person, on how the other person makes feel us, on desire and affection and compassion, but also on how well our needs are met, then there is no doubt. i know i would be crippled without HER. i know that SHE is making my life better, SHE is saving it from damnation. SHE makes me happy and SHE makes me enjoy myself again, SHE is giving me the purpose and meaning. SHE makes me a better person. And i can only hope i am giving something back to HER. i believe and i hope...
i am YOURS, my Mistress and i thank YOU for everything.
Love is a strong word with even stronger meaning. And to be honest i am afraid to use it. i am afraid it is just an illusion, just a product of my current affection for my Mistress. i am afraid it would be considered as inappropriate, as something too strong too early. Simply i am not sure if to write about it is okay. But i feel it and i want to be honest. Oh, Goddesses, help me...
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