Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Thank YOU!


  1. and what is this for?? nahajka? 70?! uff

  2. yep, nahajka, i am a humble servant of my Mistress, Her grateful slave...

  3. i am happy for you both.. i believe Mistress did enjoy it..she likes painsluts.. i never was good enough :(

  4. Thank you... i would not call myself a painslut, but i want to do everything She wants me to do... and i am happy for you too, seems like you are getting into pretty intensive service yourself :)

  5. well 70 with nahajka is great pain.. i believe The Mistress will make you like it.. you do it for the reason its for Her.. that is better for the sadist, because if you would enjoy the pain it would be not such pleasure for sadist.. and Mistress enjoys to be sadistic.. and thanks, i am a bitch.. nothing in service to Goddess almighty
